Ukraine Medical Mission Trip October 2021Wednesday, October 6, 20213:30 PM
Saturday, October 16, 20214:30 PM Vertical Divider
Hands on Missions will be partnering with medical missionary Juliana Krupin to reach the people in Lviv, Ukraine with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and provide much needed medical services to the people. Here is an opportunity for medical doctors, nurses, dentists pastors, teachers, and caring individuals to perform a determined effort to help those in desperate need of medical attention. This trip will also include medical check ups for those imprisoned and share God’s redeeming grace within the prison system. Our team will experience long but rewarding days. You will not be disappointed after your participation in this mission effort; in conjunction with experiencing a culture of people that our Lord Jesus Christ died and resurrected in order to redeem. The costs associated with this trip has been set at $3000.00. This is an all inclusive trip with a portion of the expense designated to purchase medical supplies and medicines before the team’s arrival. Our first virtual meeting will be January 11, 2021. Information is provided below to join this meeting. Contact Hands on Missions director Stephen Hogge immediately to begin preparation to go in the Spring of 2021.
Posted in Christian, Shelby NC Mission trips
Tagged medical missions, Ukraine |